Featured Alumni

Shannon Trejo, Ph.D.

Testimonial of the A&M-Commerce Superintendent Certification Program Deciding to start my doctorate later in my career was intentional. It allowed me to bring my professi...

Laritza Tinajero

Laritza Tinajero is an Honors College student pursuing a bachelor’s in Wildlife and Conservation Sciences, and a research technician at the Quail Research Laboratory at...

Brooke Clifton

Brooke Clifton is a graduate research assistant at the Quail Research Laboratory, where she evaluates quail predator avoidance behavior using cameras to study live hawks and bi...
Becky Adams posing on campus.

Becky Adams, M.Ed.

Make an Appointment Becky Adams and her husband, Emerson, both grew up in Commerce. They lived most of their lives there because they believe the friendly and supportive communit...

Natalie White

Make an Appointment The advice of an alum changed her life. In a single moment, Natalie White realized that she could make a career out of her passion. She could spend her entire life...

Christina Moreland

Christina Moreland is a designer and cartoonist currently based in Los Angeles, California. She was born in Fort Knox, Kentucky but grew up in a small town called Niederwerrn, Ger...

Chad Smith

h1.page-title { display: none; } Before becoming a professor in photography, Chad Smith was a commercial photographer in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He has more than 30 years of e...
Picture of Meredith "Grace" Slayter.

Meredith “Grace” Slayter

Looking back, Grace Slayter didn’t put much thought into enrolling at East Texas A&M as an undergraduate student. Her then-boyfriend (now husband) studied accounti...
Picture of Heather Rodriguez making the lion sign with behind a mural of Texas A&M University Commerce.

Heather Rodriguez

A dedicated historian, engaged citizen and world traveler, Heather Rodriguez offers the purpose and passion that the department looks for. She joined the history program as an u...
Photo of Austin Baxley.

Austin Baxley

A Conversation with Austin What is your current employment/career? “I teach US History, US Government and Economics at Como-Pickton High School and teach Dual Credit US History...

Allison Faber

A Conversation with Allison What is your current employment/career? I am currently the American Historical Association Career Diversity Fellow for the Department of History a...
Picture of Nick Sprenger smiling with his arm crossed.

Nick Sprenger

Nick Sprenger recognized the need for a more fulfilling career. He pursued history. The discipline offered him the space to explore the unknown while deepening his love for acade...
Betty Block faculty for health sciences.

Betty A. Block, Ed.D.

Artist, philosopher and scientist. Betty Block embodies all three with ease. Whether she's performing dance at the Kennedy Center, studying the minutia of human movement or sho...
A young woman smiling with brown curled hair. She wearing a black short sleeve blouse. She is standing by a tree with autumn colored leaves. In the background there is a building with a lot of windows.

Ana Martinez

Being a first-generation student is very challenging, both financially and emotionally. Ana Martinez, as a first-generation college student, derives her strength to work har...

Michael Pimentel-Galvan

A Conversation with Michael How did A&M-Commerce help prepare for your career? Being part of STEM allowed me to work one-on-one with my professors, shaping my career path int...

Cole Swinson

A Conversation with Cole How did A&M-Commerce help prepare for your career? My experience at A&M-Commerce established the foundation for my career. There have been man...
Photo of Divya.

Divya Solomon

Her home is in Chennai, India, but her community is in Commerce, Texas. When Divya arrived at A&M-Commerce, she didn’t know anyone. But that soon changed. Friendships...

Tatiana Chamorro-Rivers

Tatiana describes fear and uncertainty as the recipe for success, and so it should come as no surprise that she began a business amidst a global pandemic, and succeeded. Now she hel...
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